Monday, March 24, 2014

At a restaurant in Paris near the Eiffel Tower

We were out of the country so we made a little trip to Paris. As soon as we got the free time to explore the city, we went straight into the heart of the city. We were waiting to see the sunset at the Eiffel Tower. It was a late May afternoon and the sight was spectacular! However, soon after, my stomach started alarming me that it was empty. I was thirsty for some French wine.
We decided to get down from the tower and find some nice place to eat. As we were walking along the streets near the Eiffel Tower, we ran onto some small French Restaurant.
- "Let's eat!", I said.
When we entered we saw that everybody was sitting at the bar and eating next to each other.
There were no free tables, so we picked a small one for two. We grabbed the first free chairs that we saw. Since in our country it is completely strange to sit next to a person you don't know, you might imagine how strange WE felt while sitting over there and looking upon our " neighbors' " plates.
So, we asked for a menu to pick something nice and truly French. We were eager to taste the French cuisine, since this was our first day at Paris and for breakfast we only ate the famous La croissant. But at the menu I
couldn't find anything familiar and honestly we couldn't imagine what we were going to get on our plates if we ordered anything. Then we figured out that we could see at other people's plates and order something that we seemed to like. So we whispered to the person that was serving us:
- We would like to order what the guy next to me is eating and off course one glass of French white wine.
It was funny, but at least we figured out that the guy sitting next to me has a
good taste and made an excellent choice for that day. Thanks to him and cheers!

Andrijana Bogoevska
(Stamp My Passport)

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